How To Join Files (HJSplit)

HJplit is a self contained program. That means there is no installation required. Just Download the latest version for your OS (Windows / Mac / Linux).

To join a split file.

  • First start the hjsplit 2.3.exe program.
  • Click join and in the new window, click input file.

  • Open up the folder where the split video files were downloaded to. The program will only show the .001 file.
  • Select the file and it will now show in the file name box.
  • Now select open.

HJSplit will now start joining the file and you'll see a status bar.

When the joining is complete a new window will indicate completion.

  • Close and exit HJSplit and watch the video.
If you so desire, you can link the .001 file to automatically start up HJSplit when you left click the split file.
  • Right click the .001 file and select "open with"
  • In the drop-down menu click "choose program"
  • Check the "always use select program" box
  • Browse for the HJSplit program and select "open"
Note: Ensure that you have ALL parts of the video in the same folder and that the names (minus the split file extension; .001 .002 .003 .004 .005......) are identical. As well, ensure that the downloaded file is complete.

Posted byWayOfTheShinobi at 12:48 PM